1.1 Your Current Reality
You Aren’t What You Eat....You Are What You Think, Feel, See and Vibrate
You are not what you eat. Metaphysically speaking, what you put into your body in terms of your thoughts, your visions, your feelings and your vibrations is far more important than anything else in determining who and what you are and what you will become.
The Law of Attraction is one of the most commonly known of the universal laws. The fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction is quite simple – like energy attracts like energy.
Think of your friends. Why are they in your life? Why did you choose them as friends?
We choose friends who are somehow like us and whose energy is also like ours. We are attracted to our friends ... and they are attracted to us ... because they are like us.
The Law of Attraction works the same way. The Law of Attraction causes like energies, in a variety of forms, to be attracted to each other.
Our world is made up of many different physical and non-physical forms of energy that travel in waves or vibrations. Some energy we can see with our eyes and some we cannot. We see physical forms of energy in each other, in nature and in the things around us. We recognize non-physical forms of energy, for example, in a radio wave or in the presence of someone whose energy we can sense.
Not only is the world around us made up of energy but you are made of energy too and are constantly sending waves of energy or vibrations.
When you smile, you’re sending energy. When you have an argument with someone, you’re sending energy. When you jump for joy, you’re sending energy. When you complain about something, you’re sending energy.
You are already using the principles of the Law of Attraction in your own life to create your current reality, whether you’re aware of it or not.
Have you ever noticed that what you think eventually comes to be?
Have you ever noticed that when you look for the good you find it? And have you ever noticed that when you look for the bad, you’ll find that too?
Have you ever noticed that when you smile at someone, it’s nearly impossible for them not to smile back at you?
Have you ever noticed that complaining generally doesn’t change the thing that you’re complaining about?
Whatever you give, via your thoughts, your perspective, your feelings or your vibrations is what you will receive in return. These are all powerful forms of energy that you are already using, through the Law of Attraction, to create your life, either consciously or subconsciously.
Yes, you have the power to create your own reality! With your own energy and vibrations you attract both the things that you want and the things that you don’t want into your life.
If you want to know whether your energy needs to be adjusted, just look at the results you’re seeing in your life. If you’re not living the life that you truly desire, then it’s time for a change.
The good news is that you can learn to shift your thoughts, perspective, feelings and vibrations to help you attract more of what you do want in your life.
What keeps so many people stuck is focusing their attention on what they don’t want.
While understanding and knowing what you don’t want in your life is a good starting point for clarifying what you do want, it’s not a good “staying” point. Once you know what you don’t want, it’s time to start putting your attention on what you do want. Focus on the solution, not the problem.
Most of us use our energy unconsciously. We’re not even aware of our own part in creating our own reality. Once you understand that “like attracts like”, it’s only a matter of deciding to consciously create the life you truly desire and using the power of the Law of Attraction in your favor.
So how can you begin to consciously shift your thoughts, your perspective, your feelings and your vibrations?
You Are What You Think
By the Law of Attraction you magnetically attract to you the things you think about most often, whether you want them or not.
You have approximately 60,000 thoughts each day. What do you spend most of your thoughts thinking about? Do you focus on your goals, dreams and aspirations? Do you use your thoughts to build your faith, confidence and positive beliefs?
Or do you think about your fears and worries, wondering how you’re going to pay your bills? Do you focus on your anger, jealousy or other negative emotions?
What you experience in your life will reveal a great deal about the kinds of thoughts you’re holding and whether they’re helping or hindering you. You are already a natural Manifester and practitioner of the Law of Attraction and you’ve already experienced the power of your own thoughts.
Reflect for a moment and you can likely come up with several examples of times when your thoughts became reality. Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, “It’s going to be a fabulous day!” Chances are that indeed, you did have a fabulous day. Likewise, if you wake up with the thought, “Ugh, I’m dreading this day”, chances are good that thought will come true as well.
Unfortunately, many of us frequently think negative thoughts which cause us to unconsciously attract more negativity or more of what we don’t want into our lives. We’ve simply developed these negative thoughts patterns or beliefs along the way in life and these thoughts are often habits that we’re not even aware of.
Some examples of common negative thoughts you might have could include, “I’m not good enough.”; “I’m too old.”; “It’ll never happen.”; “I can’t.” and so on....Such thoughts or beliefs limit you and put up unconscious roadblocks on the path to your success.
The danger arises when we don’t question the validity of these thoughts, the impact that they have on our lives or take steps to change them.
Here’s a simple three step process that will help you begin to change your thoughts to more positive ones that are in line with creating what you do want.
Think of something you desire that is not currently a part of your life.
Notice. What thoughts, beliefs or story are you telling yourself about your desire?
(for example: “I’m too old to change careers.”)
Question. Ask yourself if your thought, belief or story is absolutely true? Does it reflect who you are or wish to be?
(for example: can you think of anyone who’s older than you who has changed careers?)
Replace. What’s a more positive thought you could choose which would help you move forward towards your dream?
(for example: “I can change my career anytime I choose.”)
Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose thoughts that are in tune with who you are and what you wish to create in your life because you truly are what you think.
You Are What You Feel
If you want to know what types of thoughts you’ve been having, look no further than your feelings because they give you all the feedback you need about the thought vibrations you’re sending.
Any time your mind focuses on a memory, thought or observation it triggers an emotional response that is either positive or negative.
Thus, your feelings are giving you immediate feedback on the types of thoughts you’re choosing.
More importantly, your feelings are letting you know whether or not your thoughts are vibrating at the right frequency and are in tune with your desires and intentions.
Take a moment and write down how you’re feeling right now. Are you feeling joyful, happy, depressed, worried, inspired, confident, lost, thankful?
Are your feelings positive or negative? What kinds of thoughts have you had today? Recently? Be very honest with yourself here.
Do you see a correlation between your thoughts and your feelings?
If your thoughts are negative, you’ll experience negative emotions such as anger, confusion or disappointment.
If your thoughts are positive, you’ll experience positive emotions such as happiness, freedom and appreciation.
You’ll experience positive or negative emotions every time you daydream, pretend, recall a memory or observe something.
Remember what we know about the Law of Attraction: like energy attracts like energy.
In order to create a life that feels good, you have to begin by feeling good. And in order to feel good, you need to think feel-good thoughts which vibrate at a higher frequency than feel-bad thoughts.
If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of negative feeling, how can you break yourself out of it? Quiet, honest and objective observation of your thoughts is a critical beginning point that will shed light on your inner dialogue.
Here are a few examples of common negative thoughts:
● I don’t have time.
● I can’t lose weight.
● I’m too old to find a perfect partner.
● Money is a struggle.
● Making money is hard.
You can see that any of these thoughts lead to deflated, limiting and negative feelings. They don’t feel good, do they?
Do what it takes to feel better. To experience good feelings, choose good thoughts. Notice that I use the word “choose” here because your thoughts are a choice. You have absolute control over what you choose to think.
Take the common phrase, “I don’t have time” or it’s variation, “I’m too busy.” When you say either of these, notice how you feel. Overwhelmed? Regretful? Out of control? Sad? Disappointed?
You don’t feel good or happy about the situation, right? That’s because your feelings are letting you know that you need to change your thoughts.
“I have all the time that I need” or “I have control over my time and schedule” are two examples of thoughts that are much more positive and expansive. In turn, they create very different, higher vibration feelings like power, control, ease and relaxation.
The more that you practice choosing your thoughts, the more that your vibrations will increase and your life will naturally, inescapably improve. It will literally happen virtually without effort! As you cultivate thinking more feel good thoughts, you will start to experience powerful good emotions and you will begin to become a strong, magnetically powerful, higher-vibrational being possible.
You Are What You See
Seeing is about perspective. What’s your perspective on yourself, your life and on others?
How you see yourself, your life, and the people you choose to surround yourself with will ultimately frame how you think ... which controls what you attract ... which controls the quality, happiness, and fulfillment of your life.
There is simple wisdom in the common saying, “Look on the bright side.” Looking on the bright side of life and finding the positive will help keep your energy and vibrations positive.
You will be faced with many challenges and change throughout your lifetime but it’s your perspective which will ultimately determine whether the experience is positive or negative. Any situation can be either, it’s all in how you choose to see things.
So often, we don’t see the positive in our circumstances until it’s too late – we’ve already put ourselves through mounds of pain and agony unnecessarily before allowing ourselves to see the good.
How many times have you looked back at a situation in your life that you saw as negative at the time only to say, “I’m so glad that happened.” You can now see it as the “blessing in disguise” that it is.
The trick is to learn to find the bright side now, in the present moment.
Humor is one of the best tools for finding the bright side and for keeping your energy there too. “My memory’s not working so well but my forgetter is working really well” is a great example of how I dealt with my memory loss due to a gluten sensitivity.
The bright side feels good and lifts your energy. A simple step to help you begin to shift your perspective in any situation is to ask yourself this question: “How can I see this situation in a way that will feel good?”
Your desire to feel good will naturally help lead you to finding the bright side ... which will change your thoughts, change your vibrations, and literally begin to powerfully attract more of what you want into your life.
Looking on the bright side also keeps your attention focused on where you wish to go and what you wish to create in your life.
You Are What You Vibrate
Okay, physics time! Don’t worry, it’s incredibly simple:
Like energy attracts like energy. And all energy, including yours, is transmitted out into the Universe – where it begins to attract similar energies - via different vibrational frequencies.
The energy and the vibrations that you put out there will reflect the degree to which you’re living in tune with your destiny - and ultimately creating the type of life you desire.
Quite simply, you are what you vibrate. And whatever you witness in your life is a direct match to your own energy and vibration.
You already experience shifts in your own energetic frequency daily. Every time your mood shifts, your activity level shifts, every time you start or finish a conversation, you’re putting out different energy into the Universe.
No doubt you’ve also had longer periods in your life when your energy has been “low” or when you haven’t felt your best – or long periods when everything seems to be going your way, and things just seem to “fall into place”.
Again – it’s all about the energy you’re putting out there!
Your vibrations shift as a result of what you think, feel and see at any particular time and what you experience in your life will mirror your vibrations.
Where are You Now
I don’t want to focus too much on your current reality because whatever you focus on expands ... but we do need to know where we are right now, what’s working and what we want differently.
So get yourself a cup of tea and maybe a delicious piece of chocolate (choose quality over quantity) and write down what is currently happening in your world in each of these categories and how satisfied you are with each (remember this is simply an exercise in observing your current truth. This is not an opportunity to beat yourself up for what you have and haven’t accomplished/achieved):
Love relationship
Other Relationships
Where I live
What I do for work
The money I’m making. Document your monthly income for the past 3-4 months:
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
My health
My leisure time
My wardrobe
1. We want to pinpoint what your desires look like in terms of MONEY.
The Monthly Income My Desires Require
Get as specific as possible without obsessing. Get down to the details: rent/mortgage, HOA (if applicable), insurance (all areas), vehicle (+ expenses), utilities, new furniture, plane tickets, movers, Visa's & gov't fling fees, gym membership, entertainment & dining, food, personal upgrades (clothes, makeup, hairdresser), pet or children needs, etc. Document as many items as you can think of & total it into one number at the bottom.
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
Use a separate sheet if you need to, it's better to have all the numbers documented.
EXPENSE TOTAL $: _____________________
Write the following:
Current average monthly
income (from above): _______________
Your desire's monthly income: _______________
and how do you feel about this? ... go ahead, be honest – get it out in the open ...
...and now, give yourself permission to change all that!
Head on over to Facebook and let us know what your first impression was when you saw the difference between what you actually make and the money your desires require.
2. Appreciate
Like attracts like -- it is the Universal Law of Attraction. What you appreciate, focus on, give thanks for expands. So here is what I want you to do .... Every morning for the next week, go to your online bank statement and give thanks for the money that's currently there - whatever the number - see if you can feel good about the money that's is currently there. Don't worry about anything else. Just work your way into feeling good and being open to receive more.
You can do this for anything that you want. Want more love and connection, appreciate the love and connection you currently have. Want better health, appreciate the health you currently have. You get the picture.
Having trouble feeling good about your bank balance? Here’s a little trick ... you can borrow feelings from something else and transfer them to what you want to feel good about. I love that song "Happy" so when I’m having problems feeling good about what I already have, I go to YouTube and listen to the song while I’m thinking about what I want to appreciate/feeling good about. Next thing you know, I’m happy and loving what I already have. Try this with a song that makes you happy or check out Pharrell William’s song “Happy” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM
Do this and report how you did in the Facebook Group
Evening Homework
Science has proven that the content you absorb within the last hour of awake time directly affects the conscious and subconscious. This is a time when your mind is much like a sponge – absorbing information and setting in stone. You want to leverage this time to your advantage. To let the mind work out 'everyday problems' while you're sleeping – it's designed to problem-solve.
**That's why I had you write down – in black & white – the money you're currently making and the money your desires require. Now, let's back it up with a positive statement that will reprogram your subconscious for the better!
Your homework for *TONIGHT* is to repeat the following affirmation during the last 45 minutes of your day before dozing off to sleep. (You can really use this affirmation anytime. This tool is really powerful and worth “scheduling” in your evening routine.)
One final note: do whatever you can to make your evenings peaceful and positive. I can't emphasize just how important this is....Avoid conflict, turn OFF the news, and use this time to retrain your brain so it supports you in a glorious way.
Here's the affirmation:
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
...keep going.
What’s Next:
On Thursday, we’re going to step outside of our comfort zone and start to bring your ideal day to life.
You Aren’t What You Eat....You Are What You Think, Feel, See and Vibrate
You are not what you eat. Metaphysically speaking, what you put into your body in terms of your thoughts, your visions, your feelings and your vibrations is far more important than anything else in determining who and what you are and what you will become.
The Law of Attraction is one of the most commonly known of the universal laws. The fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction is quite simple – like energy attracts like energy.
Think of your friends. Why are they in your life? Why did you choose them as friends?
We choose friends who are somehow like us and whose energy is also like ours. We are attracted to our friends ... and they are attracted to us ... because they are like us.
The Law of Attraction works the same way. The Law of Attraction causes like energies, in a variety of forms, to be attracted to each other.
Our world is made up of many different physical and non-physical forms of energy that travel in waves or vibrations. Some energy we can see with our eyes and some we cannot. We see physical forms of energy in each other, in nature and in the things around us. We recognize non-physical forms of energy, for example, in a radio wave or in the presence of someone whose energy we can sense.
Not only is the world around us made up of energy but you are made of energy too and are constantly sending waves of energy or vibrations.
When you smile, you’re sending energy. When you have an argument with someone, you’re sending energy. When you jump for joy, you’re sending energy. When you complain about something, you’re sending energy.
You are already using the principles of the Law of Attraction in your own life to create your current reality, whether you’re aware of it or not.
Have you ever noticed that what you think eventually comes to be?
Have you ever noticed that when you look for the good you find it? And have you ever noticed that when you look for the bad, you’ll find that too?
Have you ever noticed that when you smile at someone, it’s nearly impossible for them not to smile back at you?
Have you ever noticed that complaining generally doesn’t change the thing that you’re complaining about?
Whatever you give, via your thoughts, your perspective, your feelings or your vibrations is what you will receive in return. These are all powerful forms of energy that you are already using, through the Law of Attraction, to create your life, either consciously or subconsciously.
Yes, you have the power to create your own reality! With your own energy and vibrations you attract both the things that you want and the things that you don’t want into your life.
If you want to know whether your energy needs to be adjusted, just look at the results you’re seeing in your life. If you’re not living the life that you truly desire, then it’s time for a change.
The good news is that you can learn to shift your thoughts, perspective, feelings and vibrations to help you attract more of what you do want in your life.
What keeps so many people stuck is focusing their attention on what they don’t want.
While understanding and knowing what you don’t want in your life is a good starting point for clarifying what you do want, it’s not a good “staying” point. Once you know what you don’t want, it’s time to start putting your attention on what you do want. Focus on the solution, not the problem.
Most of us use our energy unconsciously. We’re not even aware of our own part in creating our own reality. Once you understand that “like attracts like”, it’s only a matter of deciding to consciously create the life you truly desire and using the power of the Law of Attraction in your favor.
So how can you begin to consciously shift your thoughts, your perspective, your feelings and your vibrations?
You Are What You Think
By the Law of Attraction you magnetically attract to you the things you think about most often, whether you want them or not.
You have approximately 60,000 thoughts each day. What do you spend most of your thoughts thinking about? Do you focus on your goals, dreams and aspirations? Do you use your thoughts to build your faith, confidence and positive beliefs?
Or do you think about your fears and worries, wondering how you’re going to pay your bills? Do you focus on your anger, jealousy or other negative emotions?
What you experience in your life will reveal a great deal about the kinds of thoughts you’re holding and whether they’re helping or hindering you. You are already a natural Manifester and practitioner of the Law of Attraction and you’ve already experienced the power of your own thoughts.
Reflect for a moment and you can likely come up with several examples of times when your thoughts became reality. Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, “It’s going to be a fabulous day!” Chances are that indeed, you did have a fabulous day. Likewise, if you wake up with the thought, “Ugh, I’m dreading this day”, chances are good that thought will come true as well.
Unfortunately, many of us frequently think negative thoughts which cause us to unconsciously attract more negativity or more of what we don’t want into our lives. We’ve simply developed these negative thoughts patterns or beliefs along the way in life and these thoughts are often habits that we’re not even aware of.
Some examples of common negative thoughts you might have could include, “I’m not good enough.”; “I’m too old.”; “It’ll never happen.”; “I can’t.” and so on....Such thoughts or beliefs limit you and put up unconscious roadblocks on the path to your success.
The danger arises when we don’t question the validity of these thoughts, the impact that they have on our lives or take steps to change them.
Here’s a simple three step process that will help you begin to change your thoughts to more positive ones that are in line with creating what you do want.
Think of something you desire that is not currently a part of your life.
Notice. What thoughts, beliefs or story are you telling yourself about your desire?
(for example: “I’m too old to change careers.”)
Question. Ask yourself if your thought, belief or story is absolutely true? Does it reflect who you are or wish to be?
(for example: can you think of anyone who’s older than you who has changed careers?)
Replace. What’s a more positive thought you could choose which would help you move forward towards your dream?
(for example: “I can change my career anytime I choose.”)
Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose thoughts that are in tune with who you are and what you wish to create in your life because you truly are what you think.
You Are What You Feel
If you want to know what types of thoughts you’ve been having, look no further than your feelings because they give you all the feedback you need about the thought vibrations you’re sending.
Any time your mind focuses on a memory, thought or observation it triggers an emotional response that is either positive or negative.
Thus, your feelings are giving you immediate feedback on the types of thoughts you’re choosing.
More importantly, your feelings are letting you know whether or not your thoughts are vibrating at the right frequency and are in tune with your desires and intentions.
Take a moment and write down how you’re feeling right now. Are you feeling joyful, happy, depressed, worried, inspired, confident, lost, thankful?
Are your feelings positive or negative? What kinds of thoughts have you had today? Recently? Be very honest with yourself here.
Do you see a correlation between your thoughts and your feelings?
If your thoughts are negative, you’ll experience negative emotions such as anger, confusion or disappointment.
If your thoughts are positive, you’ll experience positive emotions such as happiness, freedom and appreciation.
You’ll experience positive or negative emotions every time you daydream, pretend, recall a memory or observe something.
Remember what we know about the Law of Attraction: like energy attracts like energy.
In order to create a life that feels good, you have to begin by feeling good. And in order to feel good, you need to think feel-good thoughts which vibrate at a higher frequency than feel-bad thoughts.
If you find yourself stuck in a pattern of negative feeling, how can you break yourself out of it? Quiet, honest and objective observation of your thoughts is a critical beginning point that will shed light on your inner dialogue.
Here are a few examples of common negative thoughts:
● I don’t have time.
● I can’t lose weight.
● I’m too old to find a perfect partner.
● Money is a struggle.
● Making money is hard.
You can see that any of these thoughts lead to deflated, limiting and negative feelings. They don’t feel good, do they?
Do what it takes to feel better. To experience good feelings, choose good thoughts. Notice that I use the word “choose” here because your thoughts are a choice. You have absolute control over what you choose to think.
Take the common phrase, “I don’t have time” or it’s variation, “I’m too busy.” When you say either of these, notice how you feel. Overwhelmed? Regretful? Out of control? Sad? Disappointed?
You don’t feel good or happy about the situation, right? That’s because your feelings are letting you know that you need to change your thoughts.
“I have all the time that I need” or “I have control over my time and schedule” are two examples of thoughts that are much more positive and expansive. In turn, they create very different, higher vibration feelings like power, control, ease and relaxation.
The more that you practice choosing your thoughts, the more that your vibrations will increase and your life will naturally, inescapably improve. It will literally happen virtually without effort! As you cultivate thinking more feel good thoughts, you will start to experience powerful good emotions and you will begin to become a strong, magnetically powerful, higher-vibrational being possible.
You Are What You See
Seeing is about perspective. What’s your perspective on yourself, your life and on others?
How you see yourself, your life, and the people you choose to surround yourself with will ultimately frame how you think ... which controls what you attract ... which controls the quality, happiness, and fulfillment of your life.
There is simple wisdom in the common saying, “Look on the bright side.” Looking on the bright side of life and finding the positive will help keep your energy and vibrations positive.
You will be faced with many challenges and change throughout your lifetime but it’s your perspective which will ultimately determine whether the experience is positive or negative. Any situation can be either, it’s all in how you choose to see things.
So often, we don’t see the positive in our circumstances until it’s too late – we’ve already put ourselves through mounds of pain and agony unnecessarily before allowing ourselves to see the good.
How many times have you looked back at a situation in your life that you saw as negative at the time only to say, “I’m so glad that happened.” You can now see it as the “blessing in disguise” that it is.
The trick is to learn to find the bright side now, in the present moment.
Humor is one of the best tools for finding the bright side and for keeping your energy there too. “My memory’s not working so well but my forgetter is working really well” is a great example of how I dealt with my memory loss due to a gluten sensitivity.
The bright side feels good and lifts your energy. A simple step to help you begin to shift your perspective in any situation is to ask yourself this question: “How can I see this situation in a way that will feel good?”
Your desire to feel good will naturally help lead you to finding the bright side ... which will change your thoughts, change your vibrations, and literally begin to powerfully attract more of what you want into your life.
Looking on the bright side also keeps your attention focused on where you wish to go and what you wish to create in your life.
You Are What You Vibrate
Okay, physics time! Don’t worry, it’s incredibly simple:
Like energy attracts like energy. And all energy, including yours, is transmitted out into the Universe – where it begins to attract similar energies - via different vibrational frequencies.
The energy and the vibrations that you put out there will reflect the degree to which you’re living in tune with your destiny - and ultimately creating the type of life you desire.
Quite simply, you are what you vibrate. And whatever you witness in your life is a direct match to your own energy and vibration.
You already experience shifts in your own energetic frequency daily. Every time your mood shifts, your activity level shifts, every time you start or finish a conversation, you’re putting out different energy into the Universe.
No doubt you’ve also had longer periods in your life when your energy has been “low” or when you haven’t felt your best – or long periods when everything seems to be going your way, and things just seem to “fall into place”.
Again – it’s all about the energy you’re putting out there!
Your vibrations shift as a result of what you think, feel and see at any particular time and what you experience in your life will mirror your vibrations.
Where are You Now
I don’t want to focus too much on your current reality because whatever you focus on expands ... but we do need to know where we are right now, what’s working and what we want differently.
So get yourself a cup of tea and maybe a delicious piece of chocolate (choose quality over quantity) and write down what is currently happening in your world in each of these categories and how satisfied you are with each (remember this is simply an exercise in observing your current truth. This is not an opportunity to beat yourself up for what you have and haven’t accomplished/achieved):
Love relationship
Other Relationships
Where I live
What I do for work
The money I’m making. Document your monthly income for the past 3-4 months:
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
Month: _____________ Income: _______________
My health
My leisure time
My wardrobe
1. We want to pinpoint what your desires look like in terms of MONEY.
The Monthly Income My Desires Require
Get as specific as possible without obsessing. Get down to the details: rent/mortgage, HOA (if applicable), insurance (all areas), vehicle (+ expenses), utilities, new furniture, plane tickets, movers, Visa's & gov't fling fees, gym membership, entertainment & dining, food, personal upgrades (clothes, makeup, hairdresser), pet or children needs, etc. Document as many items as you can think of & total it into one number at the bottom.
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
ITEM: ___________________________ EXPENSE $: _____________
Use a separate sheet if you need to, it's better to have all the numbers documented.
EXPENSE TOTAL $: _____________________
Write the following:
Current average monthly
income (from above): _______________
Your desire's monthly income: _______________
and how do you feel about this? ... go ahead, be honest – get it out in the open ...
...and now, give yourself permission to change all that!
Head on over to Facebook and let us know what your first impression was when you saw the difference between what you actually make and the money your desires require.
2. Appreciate
Like attracts like -- it is the Universal Law of Attraction. What you appreciate, focus on, give thanks for expands. So here is what I want you to do .... Every morning for the next week, go to your online bank statement and give thanks for the money that's currently there - whatever the number - see if you can feel good about the money that's is currently there. Don't worry about anything else. Just work your way into feeling good and being open to receive more.
You can do this for anything that you want. Want more love and connection, appreciate the love and connection you currently have. Want better health, appreciate the health you currently have. You get the picture.
Having trouble feeling good about your bank balance? Here’s a little trick ... you can borrow feelings from something else and transfer them to what you want to feel good about. I love that song "Happy" so when I’m having problems feeling good about what I already have, I go to YouTube and listen to the song while I’m thinking about what I want to appreciate/feeling good about. Next thing you know, I’m happy and loving what I already have. Try this with a song that makes you happy or check out Pharrell William’s song “Happy” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM
Do this and report how you did in the Facebook Group
Evening Homework
Science has proven that the content you absorb within the last hour of awake time directly affects the conscious and subconscious. This is a time when your mind is much like a sponge – absorbing information and setting in stone. You want to leverage this time to your advantage. To let the mind work out 'everyday problems' while you're sleeping – it's designed to problem-solve.
**That's why I had you write down – in black & white – the money you're currently making and the money your desires require. Now, let's back it up with a positive statement that will reprogram your subconscious for the better!
Your homework for *TONIGHT* is to repeat the following affirmation during the last 45 minutes of your day before dozing off to sleep. (You can really use this affirmation anytime. This tool is really powerful and worth “scheduling” in your evening routine.)
One final note: do whatever you can to make your evenings peaceful and positive. I can't emphasize just how important this is....Avoid conflict, turn OFF the news, and use this time to retrain your brain so it supports you in a glorious way.
Here's the affirmation:
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
I give myself permission to feel good about making the money my desires require.
...keep going.
What’s Next:
On Thursday, we’re going to step outside of our comfort zone and start to bring your ideal day to life.