<h3>Deliberate Creation starts March 3 and lasts for 4 weeks.
You will get 2-3 lessons each week that will help you move towards creating what you want. Lessons are delivered to your email.
Weekly calls with me to ask questions of what comes up during the week.
Private Facebook Group to ask questions in between calls, interact with like-minded people and celebrate your successes.
And there will probably be a surprise bonus or two because I like to over-deliver.
Program Investment $195
Invest in yourself today! Click the "Add to Cart" button and create the life of your dreams.</h3>
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You will get 2-3 lessons each week that will help you move towards creating what you want. Lessons are delivered to your email.
Weekly calls with me to ask questions of what comes up during the week.
Private Facebook Group to ask questions in between calls, interact with like-minded people and celebrate your successes.
And there will probably be a surprise bonus or two because I like to over-deliver.
Program Investment $195
Invest in yourself today! Click the "Add to Cart" button and create the life of your dreams.</h3>
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<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
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